June 25, 2024

How Warrior Health Differs from Luna: Empowering Physical Therapists with Independence and Flexibility

At Warrior Health, we empower physical therapists to build their own practices with personalized billing, marketing support, and telehealth options. Unlike Luna, we offer more control over earnings, marketing, and appointment settings, along with enhanced support for existing clinics.

At Warrior Health, we are revolutionizing the physical therapy landscape by creating a platform that empowers physical therapists to build and manage their own private practices. While there are other companies in the physical therapy space, such as Luna, we believe our approach offers unique benefits and opportunities for therapists seeking independence and flexibility. Here’s how Warrior Health differs from Luna and why we believe our model is the future of physical therapy.

Personalized Billing and Income Control

Warrior Health

With Warrior Health, you bill for what you actually do, giving you control over your income. We simply take a small revenue share fee for our services, allowing you to maximize your earnings based on the actual services provided.


Luna pays physical therapists a flat rate regardless of the actual services provided, such as the complexity of the patient, or if the appointment was an initial evaluation or follow-up. This can limit your earning potential and doesn’t reflect the true value of your work.

Comprehensive Marketing and Patient Acquisition

Warrior Health

Warrior Health provides extensive marketing support to help you attract and retain patients. Our platform helps patients find our in-network physical therapists easily, ensuring they can access the care they need within their insurance coverage. Additionally, Warrior Health empowers therapists to market themselves and find their own patients to grow their private practice, providing comprehensive support in these marketing efforts.


On Luna, physical therapists cannot drive patients to themselves to grow their private practice. This is because Luna handles the marketing primarily under their brand and matches patients with physical therapists. While this helps in patient acquisition, it means therapists have limited control over how they market their services. Luna’s centralized marketing approach focuses on promoting the Luna brand rather than individual therapists, which can limit your ability to build a personalized marketing strategy and a unique patient base that you control.

Flexible Telehealth Solutions

Warrior Health

Warrior Health offers extensive flexibility in appointment settings, including the ability to offer sessions via telehealth. This allows physical therapists to provide care remotely, giving them the freedom to work from any location and manage their schedules more effectively. By incorporating telehealth, Warrior Health ensures that therapists can meet their patients' needs while also enjoying the flexibility to work on their own terms.


Luna does not facilitate telehealth services, instead requiring physical therapists to visit patients in their homes. This limitation restricts the flexibility of appointment settings and can make it challenging for therapists to manage their schedules and practice locations. Without the option of telehealth, Luna therapists are limited in their ability to offer versatile and accessible care, making it harder to work independently and cater to a diverse patient population.

Diverse In-Person Appointment Locations

Warrior Health

Warrior Health empowers physical therapists to practice in a variety of in-person settings that best suit their professional style and patient needs. Whether you already have your own space or wish to set one up, you have the flexibility to operate from a home office, a rented space, or a dedicated clinic. This freedom allows you to create a consistent and professional environment that enhances the quality of care you provide and increases the flexibility of your private practice.


Luna requires physical therapists to visit patients in their homes. While this model can be convenient for some, it limits the flexibility to set up or use dedicated spaces. Physical therapists working with Luna cannot establish a more permanent and professional practice setting, which can restrict the consistency and control over the treatment environment. 

Empowering Personal Branding

Warrior Health

At Warrior Health, we understand the importance of personal branding. This means you can build a practice that reflects your values and expertise. You're not just another provider under a corporate umbrella; you are the face of your own practice. Our platform gives you the freedom to establish and grow your own brand, showcasing your unique skills and approach to care.


Therapists working with Luna must operate under the Luna brand. While this offers some marketing benefits, it limits your ability to establish and grow your own brand. With Luna, you are not building your own practice but rather working as part of theirs, which can restrict your ability to create a unique identity in the marketplace.

Enhanced Support for Existing Independent Practices

Warrior Health

Warrior Health supercharges existing independent practices by helping physical therapists expand from cash-pay only to accepting insurance through our credentialing and contracting services. We provide comprehensive RCM support for existing private practices, including billing, invoicing, and credentialing. This back office support allows independentphysical therapists to thrive and grow by handling the complexities of insurance reimbursements and administrative tasks, freeing up physical therapists to focus on patient care.


Luna is typically something physical therapists do on the side and does not provide the same level of integration and support for existing practices. Physical therapists working with Luna do not receive the extensive back office support that Warrior Health offers, making it less suitable for those looking to expand their existing private practice and manage insurance billing efficiently.

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