June 6, 2024

Rehab Exercises for Tennis Elbow Recovery

Effectively recover from tennis elbow with these rehabilitation exercises designed to alleviate pain and restore strength and flexibility in the forearm and wrist.

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition caused by overuse of the elbow, leading to pain and inflammation. Proper rehabilitation exercises can help alleviate symptoms and restore strength and flexibility. Here are some effective rehab exercises for tennis elbow recovery:

1. Wrist Extension Stretch

Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back towards your body, stretching the top of your forearm. Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat. This stretch helps to improve flexibility in the wrist extensors.

2. Wrist Flexion Stretch

Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing up. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back towards your body, stretching the bottom of your forearm. Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat. This stretch targets the wrist flexors.

3. Fist Clench

Sit with your forearm resting on a table and your hand hanging over the edge, palm facing up. Hold a rolled-up towel or small ball in your hand. Squeeze the towel or ball tightly and hold for a few seconds before releasing. This exercise strengthens the forearm muscles.

4. Supination with a Dumbbell

Hold a light dumbbell in your hand with your elbow bent at 90 degrees and your palm facing up. Slowly rotate your forearm so that your palm faces down, then return to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the supinator muscles.

5. Pronation with a Dumbbell

Similar to supination, but start with your palm facing down. Rotate your forearm so that your palm faces up, then return to the starting position. This exercise targets the pronator muscles.

6. Wrist Extensions

Sit with your forearm resting on a table and your hand hanging over the edge, palm facing down. Hold a light weight and slowly lift your hand up, bending at the wrist. Lower it back down slowly. This exercise strengthens the wrist extensor muscles.

7. Wrist Flexions

Sit with your forearm resting on a table and your hand hanging over the edge, palm facing up. Hold a light weight and slowly lift your hand up, bending at the wrist. Lower it back down slowly. This exercise targets the wrist flexor muscles.

8. Towel Twist

Hold a rolled-up towel with both hands, palms facing down. Twist the towel by turning your hands in opposite directions as if wringing out water. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your forearms and wrists.

9. Finger Extensions

Place a rubber band around your fingers and thumb. Spread your fingers apart against the resistance of the band and then relax. This exercise strengthens the muscles in your fingers and forearm.

10. Radial Tunnel Stretch

Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently pull your thumb and fingers back towards your body. Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat. This stretch targets the radial tunnel and helps to alleviate tension.

Seeking Help from Warrior Health

If you are recovering from tennis elbow or any other condition, consider seeking the help of a Warrior Health physical therapist. Warrior Health offers modern sports medicine and physical therapy to help reduce pain, improve strength and flexibility, and get you back to your favorite physical activities. With proper treatment and care, tennis elbow can be effectively managed, allowing you to enjoy a full and active life.

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